G'day internet! 👋🏻

I am Jonathan Noé, but as you’ve seen or heard, people usually call me Jon. The only person who calls me Jonathan is my mother and only when I am trouble!

If you want to know more about me, I invite you to click on this link (it’s probably better you read that before continuing). Now that we are acquainted, let me tell you why I am starting this journey!

For as far as I remember, I tried to write books. I certainly remember me writing a dinosaur story when I was 10 or something. I also started many tech “books” and tutorials that I actually left where they are and never touched anymore. This website might or might not end up in that list of things I don’t touch anymore, but for now, here I am with this first post!

But Jon, why are you starting a blog? Good question young padawan! I believe that the best way of learning something is to be able to make enough sense of it to regurgitate it to someone else in a simple and understandable way. So it’s a win-win, you learn something and I learn something! Sometimes it’s also going to be about some failures on my end that I want to document along with an how to not fuck up again!

I will attempt to push a blog post out at least one a week.

“Do or do not. There is no try” - Master Yoda

And now off to writing the next post!

That’s all folks!
